Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Daddy is a Triathlete!

Today Rick did a 1/2 iron man triathlon. That is a a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile run and 13.1 mile run! It was a great day! Emily cried every time she saw Rick, until the finish....when he came down the finish shoot, she was sleeping on the ground!
Waiting to see my Daddy!Finishing the bike!

The finish line is in sight.....
And Emily is sleeping!


LeBlanc Family said...

Way to go Rick! Nice work!! BTW, I can't believe she was sleeping on the ground - that's amazing!!

Donna said...

Helloooooo....she also just went to her first luau...and the picture is where?

Congrats Rick. That is quite an accomplishment!