Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat

On Saturday night we went to Baby Cam's house to celebrate Trick or Treating in his neighborhood. I had a great time and I got to hand out candy to the hundreds of kids that came to his house. On Sunday afternoon I went out in my neighborhood. My costume is from Korea, from one of Daddy's work friends. I really liked it!
"I hope baby Cam doesn't want this job next year."
"Why does my Mommy take my photo with the sun in my eyes?"

Me and Tia
Notice her cast under her tights

Me and Dougy's friends
the sword is not part of my costume

Getting ready to get some candy...I actually don't know what candy is but maybe my Mommy will let me find out this year.

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

Emily, we love your costume! It's so beautiful. We don't have trick or treating until Friday and we can't wait. We hope your mom lets you have some candy this year - if she's really good, she can probably make it last until Thanksgiving!