Saturday, January 3, 2009

OH NO! A New Camera!

My Mommy got a new camera, the Nikon D90 in case you were wondering....anyway now she is taking pictures of me every second. Sometimes I won't look at the camera. She keeps talking about all of the new and exciting things this camera does......all I know is that she is taking more photos than ever!

I am almost to big for "The Trick"

My silly face

My serious face


LeBlanc Family said...

A new camera!! From Santa? Or a post-Christmas purchase? Very exciting. Does the D90 the one with video capabilities?
Elizabeth and Emily can sympathize with poor Emily because I got a flash from Santa - and I have to experiment, right?

Mini Hawk said...

now that you are feeling confident in your screen size, i'm sensing a 40d vs D90 throwdown.