Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Scooter!

Emily has a new scooter! I originally thought we were going to get a red one. She wanted a pink one and then sought one out in the store. I was shocked to see they actually make a pink scooter. Short story, we have a pink scooter!

Emily scooted all of the was to SophieGabby's house!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Big Day, A Big Post!

Today was a very big day! Emily was on skis for the first time ever! She has been asking to go every time we go! Today we were at Loon with the Kennedy's, the day was warm and sunny, and there were no crowds! We rented Emily some skis and spent almost an hour outside!

She loved it! The only reason she cried or whined was because she wanted to "ski by myself" or "go faster!" She loved the chairlift and Rick carried her, while skiing, and she loved this because they went "FAST"

Practicing walking in "my skiing boots"

Practicing carrying the skis

"Look at me!"

On the chairlift

"Finally, I am skiing by myself"

Realizing she wants to ski by herself!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just Sitting

In most posts, Emily is always doing something. Here she is just sitting, which is unusual for her.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby Cam's View

"Look at the way she is looking at me. She loves me already!"

"This is my big chance to get my hands on those pigtails!"

" I think this is what my Dad means by... girls playing hard to get."

" I think she is mad at me."

"Now that she has her milk she has forgotten all about me."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Remember When?

Just a short trip down memory lane.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Emily is dancing to the song Take Me Out to the Ball Game (which she loves). Clearly, she will not be a dancer.

Look at this move.... seriously.....

So proud!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New England Aquarium

Today we went to the Aquarium in Boston with Ricky and Kendall. All week we have been talking about seeing sea turtles, fish, etc. I would have to say Emily was in a bit of a "mood" today and she had an OK time. She was not as excited as I thought (and hoped) she would be.

At the end of the day Rick asked her what her favorite part of the day was...and she said "the bunnies". Perhaps I missed that exhibit.

P.S. we did see bunnies at the mall last night with Grammy McShane. OH well.......

Seems excited on the way out of the parking garage

It took a minute or two to convince her that this was not real...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The newest addition to the snow fort is an igloo. Following in "Emily fashion" she was hesitant at first, but now she is all about spending time in the igloo. There is even a blanket in it for soft seating.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My First (and only) Pet!

"Today my Mommy took me to the pet store to get a fish like Dorothy (Elmo's Fish). I thought my fish would be orange, like Dorothy, but orange fish need filters so I got a red fish that does not need a filter. I was so excited to get my new friend, I carried her around with me for a long time before I put her in the big bowl. I want to take her out of the bowl but my Mommy won't let me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Taj Mahal of Snow Forts

Emily's snow fort is growing. It now has a tunnel (which she won't go through) and a bridge (which she only went under after Sophie went first). The fort/path winds through our yard, around the tree and back.

Under the bridge!

On the snow bank!