Friday, May 15, 2009


A few funny things on the first day of potty training.....which she is doing herself really

1. It took me 45 minutes to convince Emily to put pants on over her big girl underwear!
2. I had to take her in the port-a-potty at the high school tennis match and she wanted to know what the thing on the wall was.... I told her that boys use it....she said "when I am a boy, I will use that"...... I don't think so......
3. She pooped on the potty tonight (shocker) and told Rick it looked like a brown snowman..... I know that is gross (Sorry) but kind of funny
4. I would say it was successful. No accidents and only a few bribes were offered....


LeBlanc Family said...

Yeah Emily!!

Mini Hawk said...

#3 = Hilarious!

LeBlanc Family said...

By the way, Elizabeth and Emily often name their poops based on size - "mommy poop, daddy poop, baby poop." Maybe they can talk about that with Emily over pizza.....