Sunday, June 28, 2009

Almost 3!

We celebrated Emily's third birthday yesterday with a party at our house. The weather actually was wonderful and Emily was totally into the entire experience. She was excited about the balloons and having a cake.....until she saw all the presents arrive! I can't believe my girl is almost 3..... scary how the time flies....

Giving a kiss to her best boy...Baby Cam!

It took her at least 20 tries to blow out these candles

Emily is one of the neatest cupcake eaters I have ever seen!

Getting ready to play tennis with the backpack and balls from Ricky

Rick's parents, Ricky, Doug, and their cousin Mari

Emily and Ricky

Fun with Grammy

Playing tennis in her tutu!

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

Love the pictures! She is so cute - and playing tennis in her tutu!!! Love it! Happy Birthday Emily!!