Friday, August 21, 2009

Story Land

We had two wonderful days at Story Land! The rain held off on Friday until Emily was VERY ready for her nap on the car ride home! The highlight of the trip was seeing Cinderella! We visited her so often that by the third time she knew Emily by name! She was wonderful with the children. Emily also loved driving the tractor (4 times) and the antique car. We stayed away from the rides that you would get wet, for as much as Emily loves to swim, getting wet has to be on her own terms and a shower is out of the question!

I think we have at least 15 photos of Emily and the princess!

3, 4 shut the door! This was a highlight for Emily; she loved playing in the doors!

Driving is not so far away

Little Miss Muffett.....

.... and oh, THE DANCING....

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