Saturday, November 7, 2009


Last week Rick had a conference in Denver and Emily and I tagged along! We had amazing weather, it was in the 70s all week (and I did not bring flip flops), and after the 2 feet of snow they had the week before, we could not have asked for better weather. On Thursday, Emily and I went to Boulder. It is one of my favorite places and I was quite excited to go. We went to see the Flatirons, took a little hike ....not really a hike, more like a walk, which is enough "hiking" for me..... and then went to the Pearl Street Mall for lunch and shopping. We had a great day!

"Look Baby Cam, I can rock climb too!"

This is Boulders idea of a playground for to climb on in the middle of the Pearl Street Mall......the entire town is such an "outdoorsy" town....

I just love the Flatirons!

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