Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My American Girl

On Tuesday we went to the American Girl Store, in Natick MA, with Tia and Lisa. There is no shortage pink, little girls with dolls, or things to spend (a lot) of money on. The person who invented this brand is a gazillionaire! Anyway, we had lunch, did a little shopping and had a girly day!

A glimpse into our future with teenagers...."we don't want our picture taken"

This is a little better

each doll gets her own seat and a muffin.....of course she does!

feeding Bitty

going home


Mini Hawk said...

She looks so grown up, I can't believe it!

LeBlanc Family said...

We are going to take the girls to the NYC store this summer - I can't wait! Emily has a Bitty Baby but I think that Elizabeth is ready for the real deal American Girl Doll!