Thursday, September 9, 2010

And That's a Summer, Folks

Words can not express what a wonderful summer we had. The weather was nothing short of perfect and we were able to enjoy every minute. There were so many highlights: Ricky's wedding, Sesame Place, the beach, Story Land, and of course Sudden Pitch. Emily would rather go to Sudden Pitch more than anywhere else, I think. It has been interesting to watch her grow up there, from an infant that I could not bring in he sun to a toddler who could only go in the baby pool. Now she is a great swimmer who needs no bubble no matter what part of the pool she is in!
The other part of her love for Sudden Pitch is the friends she has made there. There is a pack of little girls that she just runs around and plays with! Sometimes the girls are older, 8 or 9, and sometimes they are her age, but no matter, they just play together so well and hardly give their parents a second glance (unless they are hungry). We were there for 9 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday and we hardly saw Emily at all. She loves when the older girls paint her nails, and of course she LOVES when Gabby is there too!
This is her "pencil dive"... lingo she learned from the older girls!

strutting her stuff around the pool

Emily and Tia

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