Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with 13 of Doug's kids, making gingerbread houses, eating pizza, and opening presents. It was a great afternoon with a great group of kids. We had 3 new kids this year and one from last year was not invited back due to her behavior in the past few months (Doug does not put up with bad behavior, even at Christmas). It is really fun to watch them open gifts and get so excited over a Michael Jackson book, or even new socks.

Emily loves frosting!

Betty, one of my favorites, so excited over a $10 gift card!

Emily and Gifty, a new addition this year. She is 8 years old and loved Emily's dress up clothes and Emily was happy to have someone to dress up with!

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

What a wonderful man Doug is - you and Rick must be so proud. Hope that you had a very merry Christmas.