Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Story

Ten days ago, while leaving gymnastics class, Emily and the other girls were looking into the dance studio. One of the mothers asked Emily if she did dance class and Emily replied "No, my Mommy does lot like it." OUCH....

That night our conversation went like this...

Me "Emily, do you want to do dance class?"
Emily (in a sad voice) "No Mommy"
Me "Emily, I won't be mad if you say yes, it is OK."
Emily (in a sad voice) "No Mommy"
Me (breathing a sigh of relief) "OK but if you change your mind you can tell me."

You have to remember that Emily does not want to do anything that she thinks I will be mad about....

Last Monday we were walking into the mall and my sweet girl said....
"Mommy..... I think I changed my mind, I think I want to do dance class."

a dagger through my heart......... to be continued...................

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

Go Emily!!!! Karen, it won't kill you to let her dance. And the balance may help her improve her skiing skills..... :-)