Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Once Upon a Time

....in 1978, there were two best friends and they had matching red sweatshirts. Fast forward 33 years and with the power of Facebook, my daughter and her best friend also have matching red sweatshirts. Let me explain....Kathy (AKA California Kathy) and I had matching red sweatshirts in 5th grade. This is one of the memories that Kathy and I relive often. As I post photos of Emily and Evie on FB Kathy often comments...."all they need are some red sweatshirts"...etc. Kellie (Evie's Mom) sees these posts and the next thing I know the girls have the sweatshirts....amazing to have friends who are so thoughtful....

Now... if I just had a photo of Kathy and I in our red sweatshirts...

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