Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Forgot About this One!

This is the face of a little girl who just learned she is going to Disney World!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mike and Jack

On Black Friday we did not spend the day shopping, we were lucky enough to spend the day with Mike and Jack, Emily's cousins! They are 8 months old now and so much fun! They are very mobile, using their arms to crawl around on their bellies. Jack is very busy and Mike is a little more mellow. Emily had the time of her life!

Emily and Mike


Emily and Jack

smiling for the camera

Hard to get one photo with both boys looking

Friday, November 25, 2011


On Wednesday Evie came over and she and Emily scrapbooked their Disney photos. They each had their own book and tons of coordinating stickers and they worked very hard. When they were done they got very silly with some dancing and jumping around.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast

Emily's school had a breakfast feast on Tuesday morning. I went in to help and had a great time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Apple vs. Tooth Fairy

Emily has a second loose tooth. On Friday night she decided to "eat" an apple to help the tooth fall out faster. Now, as most of you know, Emily does not like fruit. To watch her try to eat any type of fruit is painful (to me)..... she chokes, sputters, and spits....pathetic really. So the fact she "wants" to eat the apple is directly related to how badly she wants to Tooth Fairy to come visit her again.

talking a big game

trying to bite into a apple

not sure...

sputtering and spitting

not happy about the situation

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Part 5 ~ My Favorites

The step mother and step sisters were my favorite characters, by far. They were just mean enough and were very funny! Love their smiles

My favorite photo

My favorite girls

Monday, November 14, 2011

Part 4 ~ Random

One of the best parts of Disney are the parades. In the photo below the stepsisters are telling Emily and Evie "look at you two, you won't get a prince if you are not wearing any shoes".

so excited for the parade coming down the street

Downtown Disney

we did go on rides too!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Part 3 ~ Face Paint

Emily LOVES face paint! Maybe almost as much as seeing the characters! When she spotted the face paint booth at Animal Kingdom she could hardly get in the chair fast enough.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Part 2 ~ The Princesses

I could post 75 photos of Emily and a princess. We saw them at the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and even Animal Kingdom had one princess! We had dinner with them in Cinderella's castle and lunch with them at Epcot. Emily loved seeing them over and over and over.......

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Disney ~ Part 1

We spent 4wonderful days traipsing around the Disney Parks in Florida. The trip was a surprise until the day before and the fact that Evie was also coming was a surprise until we saw them a the airport!

Emily LOVES meeting the characters! She likes rides too but it is all about the characters for her. She carried around her autograph book all week and it is almost full. We saw most of the characters more than 2 or 3 times each, and Emily loved it each and every time