Tuesday, December 6, 2011


On Sunday we went to the YMCA for Breakfast with Santa. It is amazing event and Emily LOVES it because there are soooooo many art projects for the kids to do. The BEST part of the day, for me, was when Emily got off Santa's lap. She said "Mommy, Santa knew my name. He said "Emily" I heard him ask other kids their names, but he knew mine!!!!!!!!!"

What Emily doesn't know....is that she is famous, at least in the YMCA world, and everyone knows her name!

one of the many art projects

face painting was a new addition this year and Emily could not have been more thrilled


LeBlanc Family said...

I do not like face painting; thankfully, I have been able to steer the girls away from it, for the most part. I'm not sure if they even notice all of the face painting options in WDW.

Emily's World said...

Really? Emily LoVES it! I don't like totoos, fake or otherwise. I steer clear of those.