Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Solar System

Emily has been learning about the solar system at school. To say she has been obsessed with it would be an understatement. For weeks, and especially during this vacation week, she is doing all kinds of projects related to the solar system...she can't get enough. Most of the projects below she did herself and some with us....she has been driving us crazy with all of this because she can't get enough of it...always wanting to do a new project.

Paper mache earth and sun that she made with Rick
planet stick puppets we made together, her idea
her journal she works on at home
painted solar system hanging from her ceiling
all that goes with this star Grammy bought for her
Hanging on the closet door
she drew this last night on the iPad

Monday, February 27, 2012

E and A

Emily could not resist dressing Avery up in this Belle dress. No one was happy about it except Emily. I would have died if someone did this to Emily at this age, and look at her now...loves the princesses and dresses and being fancy......just like her mother.....can you hear the sarcasm?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rock Climbing

Last week we had a date with Emily's friend Pranay. He invited us to go rock climbing at the Y and we were happy to join him. Emily loved the climb and also loved bouldering around the wall.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Evie and Emily spent almost 5 hours together one day last week. In that amount of time you might think there would be a disagreement, a squabble, or even a few tears. Not with these two.....pure magic

Sunday, February 19, 2012


During Emily's last ski lesson, at McIntyre, Kerri taught the kids to use poles. Using poles is something Emily has been dying to do and she was thrilled to try. I have to say, kids with poles usually does not end well. Kids usually don't use them the correct way, they flail out while skiing, and dropping them is quite commonplace. As I suspected none of the kids in Emily's class were ready for them. They forgot their skiing skills, went back to the snowplow, and were just trying to hold onto the poles.
The good news is....Emily thought they were too hard to use and maybe she would try again when she is 6.
doubt it but we will see....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friendship Night

Last Thursday Emily had Friendship Night at her school. It was a sweet evening with heart shaped cookies (she ate), lemonade (I drank), and a few songs. Emily was also able to show me her "work" that she does during the day. This included her journal, Spanish journal, and random number work. Above she organized all the blocks to make the number 3,762. She was quite proud.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


We had fun babysitting Avery last week. Emily was a big help and even read Avery a story.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Emily has been dying to go tubing at Pats Peak. We finally went last Saturday and Emily loved it! Watching her go up in the tube, I was wondering how she would get out at the top of the hill?!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why We Love Pats Peak.....

you never know who you might run into...below we saw Cam (AKA Baby Cam) testing out the snow for the first time this year...

We love the jumps!
And we especially love the art projects... On Saturday the kids were able to decorate their own cookies...a huge hit...and Emily did this more than once!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

School Days

Last week I chaperoned a field trip to the Capital Center for the Arts to see The Stinky Cheese Man. The play was hysterical and everyone loved it. I was lucky enough to spent the rest of the afternoon in Emily's classroom as well. As I have said before, Emily's school is a magical place. The children are independent workers, the teachers are wonderful, and most importantly she LOVES it! While I was there she had the weekly Spanish lesson, which is a huge hit with her. I can see why, the Spanish teacher is a lot of fun!

Emily and her buddy Elias

The best part about Senora Chag is that I use to coach her on a 3.0 team at the Y more than 12 years ago. She was a ton of fun then and still is today!
working on the Spanish journal

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

French Fries

Emily has been working hard on making her french fries (parallel turns) instead of a pizza (snowplow). My friend Kerri has done a great job with her in her lessons at McIntyre and Emily really practices on the weekends at Pats Peak!