Sunday, February 5, 2012

School Days

Last week I chaperoned a field trip to the Capital Center for the Arts to see The Stinky Cheese Man. The play was hysterical and everyone loved it. I was lucky enough to spent the rest of the afternoon in Emily's classroom as well. As I have said before, Emily's school is a magical place. The children are independent workers, the teachers are wonderful, and most importantly she LOVES it! While I was there she had the weekly Spanish lesson, which is a huge hit with her. I can see why, the Spanish teacher is a lot of fun!

Emily and her buddy Elias

The best part about Senora Chag is that I use to coach her on a 3.0 team at the Y more than 12 years ago. She was a ton of fun then and still is today!
working on the Spanish journal

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