Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fairy House

While it was so nice last week Emily and Grammy built several fairy houses outside. Emily was just as excited to build one as she was last fall. I love that she believes in the magic!

You can tell the fairies visited because they left blue and pink fairy dust behind!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Not many 50 year olds (well almost, Friday is Rick's actual birthday) Have a 28, 25, and a 5 year old! Never mind a 8 month old granddaughter! Rick is the lucky winner of all of those things as well as completing his first marathon last weekend! Awesome!!!!
We had the boys over to celebrate a little early yesterday.
Happy birthday to my husband, the best father, and grandfather any of us could ask for!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Emily's Shots from our last ski day

I have to say, it was not the best ski season. However, we skied the same amount of days as we did last year, 24! Sunday we went to Pats Peak and Emily brought her camera. If she is not in the photo, she took it. It was, by far, the hottest day I have ever skied!

I wonder if she will love Snowball and Boris next year?

I took this video with her camera. She is on a "black diamond" in this clip...of course "black diamond" is all relative .....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It is that time again.......

Dancing with the Stars is on TV again.......

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Driver

Today we met Cam and family at Pats Peak. There is still a lot of snow but much less than there was last Sunday. Anyway, Emily wanted to "drive" Cam on the harness. We said she could for what I thought would be a token minute on the flat part of a trail. Well, she really did it, for a long time, kept him in control, made him stop if he was heading for the grass, it was simply amazing and she "drove" him all the way down the second half of the mountain.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Perfect Day

Some ski days are unforgettable and last Sunday was one of those days. The temperature was in the upper 50's (at least), the snow was soft, the sun was shining, and we got to ski with Baby Cam! He was loving riding the chairlift with Emily so he skied 5 runs with us which is 5 more than Maria and Jim thought he would do!
And of course we ended the day with a beer and some apres ski dancing!

Feels like yesterday when Emily was on this harness

Saturday, March 10, 2012


My Mom wore this dress in 1970. She brought it to Emily to use for dress up and Emily was beyond excited to have it. My Mom was going to hem it but Emily would have none of it.....she loves it LONG!
I was wondering... what made my Mom keep this dress for 40 years?
was she going to wear it again?
what about the rule, if you don't wear something for 2 seasons you get rid of it?
so many questions...but one happy Emily

playing dress up with friends

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bretton Woods - Part II

As previously stated our two days of skiing at Bretton Woods salvaged our ski season. We hit the jackpot with the only real snow of the season. On Thursday it snowed all day, and was quite windy. What you can't see in the skiing pictures in this post is the snow blowing sideways because it was so windy. The girls skied like champs and never complained. Emily actually loved it because "It is real snow, not fake snow"

The lobby was grand! we spent time there every night before dinner. Here the girls are making fairy drawings

Andrea and the girls with snow blowing sideways!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bretton Woods - Part 1

We have just returned from a few days at The Mount Washington resort. We had never been to this hotel before and it is simply amazing. It is an enormous hotel with grand fireplaces, wide stairways, high ceilings, and delicious food. We went with the Munoz family and had a great time. The girls skied very well, and in some tough conditions. At the end of our second day Emily said..."I had so much fun" and she really meant to my ears

The hotel from the mountain

skiing in the glades
we saw this small moose on the ride up on Wednesday