Sunday, April 29, 2012

Impressionist Paintings

The best $10 I have spent, in quite some time, was on an Impressionist Sticker Book at the Currier. Emily and I spent the afternoon filling in the sticker book with all the stickers. After we were done Emily wanted to do some of the painting in the book. This was great fun because the Impressionists are  my favorite painters, particularly Monet, and I had a large painting in the attic which thrilled Emily to no end. Below you will find some of her work. What I could not convince her to do, was paint the paintings on big paper. Just because the stickers were small doesn't mean the actual paining were small....oh well...we had a great time!

 Houses of Parliament by Monet

 The Poplars by Monet

 The Water-Lily Pond by Monet

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