Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emily's First National Park

There is no way around it, I LOVE national parks. This trip to Arizona was chosen after Emily told me that one of her classmates went to the Grand Canyon and how beautiful she thought her friends photos were (and of course 3 free tickets and some hotel points didn't hurt either). I have been to 16 (of 58) national parks and I was thrilled to take Emily to her first. Both Rick and I had been to the Grand Canyon but not for at least 15 years for each of us. 
The trip did not dissapoint. Emily loved it all and we loved exploring with her. We spent some time filling out a Junior Ranger booklet so that Emily cold earn a badge. There were great activities in the book and it was fun to complete. We also bought Emily a sketch pad and pencils so she could sketch pictures of the Grand Canyon, she was in heaven!

 an artist at work!

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

I am totally loving the calf sleeve.....