Friday, April 26, 2013

Shark Teeth

We just returned from 5 glorious days in Venice, Florida. We were lucky enough to stay at Chateau VerPlanck for the week! One of the main activities on the beaches in Venice is to hunt for shark teeth. Jean purchased the proper "shark tooth hunting equipment" for us so we would have the most success. On our first day we were not quite sure what we were looking for until a nice woman came over and gave Emily about 20 teeth, and then our hunt was on. As you can imagine this type of activity is right up Rick's alley! I am not sure who loved it more, Rick or Emily?!
Anyway, Emily was obsessed with the shark teeth and could talk of little else the entire vacation. We purchased a container for the teeth and it went everywhere with us! We, or should I say Rick and Emily, found 257 teeth total!
Most of the shark teeth are supposedly millions of years old and some from a shark that is now extinct. 
 first day, not sure what they are looking for

 The shells on this beach are amazing, here Emily is sorting through them to find the teeth
 On the second day we purchased a (pink, of course) sifter. Rick would get the shells/teeth in the basket and then put them in the sifter for Emily to look through

 One of the best teeth

 This is what 257 shark teeth looks like

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