Friday, August 30, 2013


Rick has been planning a father/daughter camping trip for 2 summers. it finally came to fruition a few weeks ago and it could not have gone better (or so I am told.) Emma and Bob joined Rick and Emily for a one night campout at Bear Brook State Park. The campsite was next to the playground, there was an art project and story hour. What could be better?
Apparently, on Saturday morning they all went fishing in the canoe, without a phone or a camera, and Emily caught a 16 inch bass. Now there is no proof but considering Emily doesn't lie (yet) I have to believe it. 
No, I didn't partake in this camping excursion...darn....hear my sarcasm?

 spacious sleeping quarters



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ruggles Mine

Last week we went to Ruggles Mine with Kellie, Evie, and Cobe. None of us had been there so we were not quite sure what to expect. It was a small canyon type area where you could collect as many rocks as you could carry. Emily LOVED it. She loved collecting rocks for her collection and although the rare find, amethyst, escaped us we all had a great day

Monday, August 26, 2013

3 Generations

Emily has been dying to paint Starry Night at any paint your own canvas establishment. We went with Grammy last week and had a grand time. We love The Canvas Roadshow and Starry Night was a very fun (and challenging) painting to do!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Rainbow Loom

The summer of 2013 we did a lot of really fun things but the one thing it will be remembered for is the little elastic band bracelets made on the Rainbow Loom. We saw the bracelets in RI where 2 girls were selling them on the beach. Emily and Emma had the loom soon after that (thank you Molly) and Emily has never looked back. She watches YouTube videos (made by little girls) to learn how to make new patterns. All girls (and some boys)  go crazy for  the bracelets. When Emily brings her loom the Sudden Pitch the kids line up for her to bracelet for them, and she fills every last order, sometimes sitting for 90 minutes to make them.
As a "money collector" she really wants to sell them. On Tuesday we went to the beach with Emma and the girls had a plan to sell them. Emily put our all her bracelets on the boogie board and waited...and the girls came quickly. She made $15 on tuesday ($1 per bracelet) and she wanted to go back on Wednesday! We did and she was busier than ever and brought home $19!

 if you make them, they will come

getting creative! earrings attached to ears with pipe cleaners

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Try" - althlon

Hot off the press..official time is 14:22

Yesterday Emily (and Maggie and Evie) participated in their first triathlon, or as it was called "Try"-athlon....... just "try" your best. It was held in Bedford and it was an amazingly run event. Emily's age group swam 25 yards, ran 1/2 mile and biked 1 mile. The event was put on by a Bedford group to raise money for bereavement support for children who have lost siblings. Everyone was sooooo friendly and helpful! 
When I asked Emily if she wanted to participate she said yes immediately, which is strange because usually when I ask her if she wants to so something new she says "I'll think about it."
She really loved it. I am not sure how long it took (not long at all) but it was a great experience for all! 

 maggie and Emily before the race

our beloved Kelsey came to cheer on the girls

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wild Swans

Emily's dance studio does a summer (much smaller than spring) show each year. This summer was Wild Swans. It was not too much of a commitment so Emily decided to "try out." The performances were Thursday night and Friday morning and she loved every second. She has a smile on her face the entire time on stage and she is really into it. She was a flower in the longest dance (6 minutes) and a flower girl in the wedding scene in the end of the show. 

 the flowers with their thistles 
 Leah, Sienna, Emily

No, you are not supposed to take photos, but a quick iPhone shot never hurt anyone

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Fire Truck

Jack is obsessed with fire trucks! Anything red is "fire truck _______" His red shirt is his "fire truck shirt" Rick's truck is "fire truck pickup truck" etc. I remembered, from Emily's kindergarden class, that the Bedford fire station takes visitors any time. On Thursday morning we went to check it out and boy was it amazing! We had the grand tour. The boys, and Emily, were able to sit in every truck, squirt the hose, and even go for a ride around the block in the truck. Only Emily went for the ride however, Mike wouldn't get in for the ride, Jack did but the second the truck started he cried, so just Emily, fire person Sue and I went for the ride!