Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Morning

We had a wonderful Christmas morning together. Emily was thrilled with all of her gifts, some a little more than others.....she went crazy for the one gift she asked for...the Lego cruise ship....but the harp was her favorite present, by far.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We continued our tradition and had 10 of Doug's kids here for the afternoon of December 24th. This year Doug invited a new group of children. They were younger, and mostly girls (which made Emily VERY happy) and they were truly wonderful. We had presents, pizza, and made gingerbread houses. May of the young girls spent a lot of time with Emily in her playroom and they had a marvelous time!
I loved all the children, but little Nancy stole my heart.

 so appreciative of all they received 

 I never saw an 8th grade boy get so excited over a backpack
 Avery, Kendall, and Ricky were also here! Avery is trying on her new dress up shoes

 fun in the playroom 
 avery practicing her twirl
 the entire group....
plus Avery
rocking out in the playroom

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Emily, Avery, and The BIG S!

We went to a Brunch with Santa at the Nashua Country Club on Sunday with Ricky, Kendall, Avery, and Doug. Emily continues to think she can only ask for one thing for Christmas (why would I tell her different now?) so Santa was surprised when she didn't have a big list for him. She just wants the Lego Friends Yacht....he told her she could write him or email him with more items..... Apparently he is a progressive Santa!

Saturday, December 14, 2013


We went to The Canvas Roadshow last week with the Blaisdell girls to paint a holiday tree. We were actually the only people in the class so we had a lot of attention. I actually like the way our paintings came out! Amazing, I know as I have negative artistic ability.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Fancy Tea

On Sunday we went to The Nutcracker Tea, with some of our best pals,at The Ritz in Boston. We surprised the girls with a limo as well, the fact we got a Hummer Limo was a surprise to us all! We had a great day together in our fancy dresses and then a little shopping in Faneuil Hall.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Avery is on Skis!!

We had a very successful day with Avery at Pats Peak yesterday. This can be translated into....she liked the experience, she didn't cry, and she loved eating M & M's after skiing!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Opening Day

On November 30 we went skiing at Pats Peak. There is not much open but it was great to get out there and start the season!

 my favorite view
 A lot of our friends also have passes at Pats. Here we are with part of the Diaz clan
 we need snow

Monday, December 2, 2013

ABC's of The First Thanksgiving

Emily's class put on a short skit about the facts and figures of the first Thanksgiving. Emily had the letters E (of course) and R. It was cute to see all the children together and they did a great job.