Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We continued our tradition and had 10 of Doug's kids here for the afternoon of December 24th. This year Doug invited a new group of children. They were younger, and mostly girls (which made Emily VERY happy) and they were truly wonderful. We had presents, pizza, and made gingerbread houses. May of the young girls spent a lot of time with Emily in her playroom and they had a marvelous time!
I loved all the children, but little Nancy stole my heart.

 so appreciative of all they received 

 I never saw an 8th grade boy get so excited over a backpack
 Avery, Kendall, and Ricky were also here! Avery is trying on her new dress up shoes

 fun in the playroom 
 avery practicing her twirl
 the entire group....
plus Avery
rocking out in the playroom

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