Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cousins at the Beach

Jack, Mike, and Emily had a great day at the beach last Thursday. The boys loved the water, and trying to boogie board and surf in it. The day started out a little cloudy but then was beautiful after an hour or so. Karin thought the water was freezing but it was quite nice actually...she should be here in June if she wants cold water!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mike and Jack Come to Camp Leclerc

Mike and Jack made their third annual trip to Camp Leclerc last week and what a week it was! We spent several days at Sudden Pitch and a day at the beach and the boys were very busy! They both liked the big pool the best, but they loved everything!

 Emily making bracelets for the boys 

 everyone loves s'mores
Jack wearing his fleece lined (it was at least 85 degrees out) fireman jacket and his bubble for the pool...quite the outfit!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

She Loved.....

...everything we did. Destiny was open to everything, and had a great time trying new things!

Wells beach

tennis lessons

The Polar Caves

See Science Center

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Wizard of Oz

Destiny's second favorite thing we did was going to the Palace to see The Wizard of Oz. This was the only show Emily wanted to see this summer so it worked out perfectly! It was great to watch Destiny enjoy the show (her first play) and meet the characters. 
These plays have been one of my favorite things to do with Emily over the past 4 summers. watching her, in her princess dresses, loving the shows and the characters..... I loved every minute.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Destiny - Part 1

Last week we hosted a Fresh Air Child from NYC. Her name was Destiny and Emily was over the top excited for her to arrive.... and arrive she did! Destiny was full on, full of life, full of spunk,...from start to finish. She was an excellent candidate for the program because she loved everything we did and wanted to try new things!
Her FAVORITE part of the entire week was the Sudden Pitch pool. If we were there she was in the pool the entire time! She could not swim, and she had no fear (a dangerous combo) but she loved it just the same. She had to wear a life jacket, which was not thrilling to her, but she did it and was so happy in the pool. She went to 2 swim lessons (the 3rd got rained out) and one of the lifeguards worked with her so she was able to go off the diving board on her last day. She was also allowed to take of her lifejacket on the last day in a small area of the shallow end. When she did this she said "I am so happy, I am like all the other kids!!"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bunny Ears

This is my favorite photo from Emily's birthday. The girls loved this ride so much it was crazy. They couldn't wait to get off the ride, look at the professional photo, and then get right back on again! Emma made bunny ears in almost every photo and Emma and Emily planned this photo, without Evie knowing. Of course Evie did not mind and I paid $10 for this photo.....which is crazy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eight is Great

Our family birthday was a lot of fun! It started with a lesson on the "blue box" and went from there. Grandma and Grandpa were able to make the trip, which was an added bonus.

 The Madam Alexander Dorothy doll. Emily was dying for this

 silly Avery

Family photos.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 2, 2014

We spent the real birthday at Santa's Village (for the 3rd year in a row) with 2 of Emily's besties, Emma and Evie. Nothing can be said except it was a very fun day with NO crowds and good pals.

 in a minute, this will be a real car
 my tall girl

 during one of the shows they brought Emily on stage and everyone sang Happy Birthday

 Emma and the bunny ears...all day, in almost every photo...
 all the E girls with the E elf
This was one of the best parts of the day. In the past Emily has refused to go on this ride. She tried it, and loved it. The girls went on this ride at least 10 times. All 5 of us went the first few times, then we went separately, and then we sat our the last few rides....the girls loved seeing the photos of themselves coming down the hill......