Saturday, July 19, 2014

Destiny - Part 1

Last week we hosted a Fresh Air Child from NYC. Her name was Destiny and Emily was over the top excited for her to arrive.... and arrive she did! Destiny was full on, full of life, full of spunk,...from start to finish. She was an excellent candidate for the program because she loved everything we did and wanted to try new things!
Her FAVORITE part of the entire week was the Sudden Pitch pool. If we were there she was in the pool the entire time! She could not swim, and she had no fear (a dangerous combo) but she loved it just the same. She had to wear a life jacket, which was not thrilling to her, but she did it and was so happy in the pool. She went to 2 swim lessons (the 3rd got rained out) and one of the lifeguards worked with her so she was able to go off the diving board on her last day. She was also allowed to take of her lifejacket on the last day in a small area of the shallow end. When she did this she said "I am so happy, I am like all the other kids!!"

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