Sunday, August 24, 2014

U. S. Open

I have attended the US Open for 18 years. This year Emily decided she would like to join in our fun. Several of our friends always go to the qualifying tournament because it is less crowded and free, and they love it, so we decided to try it for Emily's first experience. What an amazing time it was! The crowds are very small, and you can move about the grounds without pushing and shoving. Emily quickly learned the art of getting an autograph, and although she didn't push and shove like others, she still came home with over 30. 
The qualifiers play a 3 day tournament just to be able to get into the first round of the regular draw so when they won a match they were thrilled to sign for any kid around...and usually there were not many around. Emily couldn't have been more thrilled with each and every signing.....
Emily is already looking forward to next year and I have to say, I can't wait to take her. It was so amazing to have her love something that I love so much

 watching at the practice courts

 The pink ball is only sold at one store on the grounds. It didn't open until Friday, so on thursday Emily used regular balls, and then on Friday (45 dollars later) she had the pink Ball
 This is 9pm on Friday night. we arrived on the grounds at 10am, sat thru a rain delay, and a 2.5 hour match to get the last autograph of the day....

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