Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Party

The third annual Halloween Party was on Sunday afternoon! We had 11 girls here and the afternoon was full of projects, a scavenger hunt, and trick or treating. The girls were great and I think (hope) they all had a great time!

 Webster  School girls!
 cookie decorating and eating
 one of the art projects...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hawkins' Halloween

After a year off (due to the Willie Wonka play) we were lucky enough to celebrate halloween in (Baby) Cam's neighborhood. This neighborhood always celebrates the Saturday before October 31. It is a big event, for sure. Emily was Olaf and couldn't have been more pleased with her (store bought) costume. She was the hit of the party, all kids wanted candy from Olaf...who wouldn't?

 Emily and Cam
 The Queen of Halloween, Aspen

 A pirate themed night...AArrrrrrrrhhhhhh

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Last Game

This morning Emily had her last soccer game of the season. I LOVE watching little kid soccer, so I am sad to see it end! We had a very nice team this year and they improved every week (must have been the coaching) particularly with their passing! The team won most of their games. I wish she wanted to play travel soccer too, because I think she could be a decent player if she played more. In the last photo she had gotten kicked in the stomach with a ball.....a few tears.....

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Emily had her first sleepover at Ricky and Kendall's last night!! She had a great time and they were so busy! Cookie making, hair braiding, yard work, and just all around good fun!! Kendall took all three girls for breakfast the next morning! Brave Kendall!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Last Sunday I ran the Smuttynose Half Marathon. I signed up for it long ago having wanted to do this race for a while. I have to say, it was a great running day for me. It was sunny, a bit breezy, with the temps in the low 60's (I actually like it a little warmer, but beggars can't be choosers). The course was FLAT, FLAT, FLAT and a lot of it was on the ocean. My time was 1:43:00:6 which is my best half by 4 minutes. And the scary thing was, I probably could have gone faster.... 369/3886 place overall....not too bad for someone who doesn't like running :)
The best part was the lobster roll and chowder at the end!

and BTW....13.1 is soooo much more manageable than 26.2!


Monday, October 6, 2014

Soccer Fans

Avery and family came to watch Emily play soccer on Saturday morning. We had a great visit with them at the house after the game and tried to get a few photos of the three girls together...not much luck as you can see.

 Charlotte is just hoping it is going to be over soon. :)

Emma and Emily