Thursday, October 9, 2014


Last Sunday I ran the Smuttynose Half Marathon. I signed up for it long ago having wanted to do this race for a while. I have to say, it was a great running day for me. It was sunny, a bit breezy, with the temps in the low 60's (I actually like it a little warmer, but beggars can't be choosers). The course was FLAT, FLAT, FLAT and a lot of it was on the ocean. My time was 1:43:00:6 which is my best half by 4 minutes. And the scary thing was, I probably could have gone faster.... 369/3886 place overall....not too bad for someone who doesn't like running :)
The best part was the lobster roll and chowder at the end!

and BTW....13.1 is soooo much more manageable than 26.2!


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