Sunday, April 26, 2015

Girls on the Run

4, 3, 2, 1, Girls on the Run is so much fun!
I have been hearing about GOTR for many years now. I can't believe Emily is old enough to participate in this amazing program. The is a nation wide program that, since it's beginning, had served over 1 million girls! It is about running but it is more about helping girls to be strong, confident, responsible, caring girls. I am lucky enough to be a coach and we meet twice a week for 90 minutes each time. At the end of the season the girls run a 5k and all of our work is to get them ready to do that!
We have 15 girls at Webster (the max for each team) and our group is great. There are 6, 5th graders, all who have done GOTR before, and 9, 3rd graders. 
Emily loves it. I love it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Emily signed up to play lacrosse this spring. To our surprise a ton of her pals are also playing too. We don't know a lot (really nothing) about this game. Ricky and Doug never played so even Rick is a novice. There were only 3 practices before the first game but the girls did great! The coaches are allowed to be on the field with the girls so that is very helpful! There are A LOT of rules to this game but we are all learning them together. Emily has scored in both games so that gives her a confidence boost! We are looking forward to a fun season!!!!

 waiting for a pass
shooting and scoring!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Fun Meet

After our high from the science fair on Friday night Emily had her gymnastics fun meet on Saturday afternoon. She is in level 3 and if not for weaknesses on the bars she would be able to go to level 4! Anyway, the meet is fun to watch and she did well. She got one third place and 3, 4th place ribbons and of course she had FUN!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Science Fair Shocker

Every year I have asked Emily if she would like to partcipate in the science fair at Webster School. Each year she has said no. Scott Milne has had the same response from Sienna each year as well. This year, Scott asked the girls if they wanted to do it together (a very smart approach) and the answer was YES. The girls took this quite seriously, worked on the project over several days and practiced the presentation several times. When Friday night arrived the girls were ready!  There were many "dazzling" projects at the fair. Emily and Sienna's didn't have the flash of some others but the girls really knew their stuff! The third grade class has the most entries and Emily and Sienna won first prize for the third grade class. I was totally shocked! 
It must have been in the details and the presentation! and possibly the matching outfits??

Third grade entrants
Miss Martin awarding the WINNERS
Two happy girls

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Sunday

We had a glorious Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny left Emily lots of eggs to find and then we went to meet Jen for a day of skiing at Waterville. The conditions were amazing. There were a few inches of fresh powder and it was hard to believe it was our last day. We skied 30 days in this season of fridgidness...and loved every minute. The slopes are still covered in snow and open but LAX is starting and I have a marathon to run, so we are finished. We skied from November - April, six months is an excellent season.  Can't wait for summer and then next ski season!

The End

Friday, April 3, 2015

Poppy's Birthday

We celebrated Rick's birthday on Sunday with Ricky, Kendall, and the girls. We skied together in the morning and then they came for dinner at night. Such a fun day!