Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Emily signed up to play lacrosse this spring. To our surprise a ton of her pals are also playing too. We don't know a lot (really nothing) about this game. Ricky and Doug never played so even Rick is a novice. There were only 3 practices before the first game but the girls did great! The coaches are allowed to be on the field with the girls so that is very helpful! There are A LOT of rules to this game but we are all learning them together. Emily has scored in both games so that gives her a confidence boost! We are looking forward to a fun season!!!!

 waiting for a pass
shooting and scoring!

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

When you figure out the rules, let me know. This is our third year, and we still don't know much. The great thing is (and I'm sure you have this too) that when our referees blow the whistle, they always explain the call to both teams, so the girls are constantly learning during games.