Sunday, May 31, 2015

Webster Fest

Every spring the children invite parents to come to Webster School to see a lot of their work from the school year. This is one of my favorite nights of the year. The walls are covered in art work, poems, stories, and many other items. Emily was most proud to share a few of the books she has been working on in writers workshop. No 2 ways about it....she LOVES school!

 Each class decorated their door for a contest, with the theme, Under the Sea. Emily's class won first place and an ice cream party!

The kids made spiders and then attached it to a sliver glitter word that they thought described them. I love that Emily chose the work STRONG! it is a the top of the door.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Wand

Diagon Alley is located in London, or in Universal Studios. The Hogwarts Express leaves from Hogsmede and takes you to Platform 9 3/4 in London. This is the newest Harry Potter park. You must have a park-to-park pass to ride the train. I will tell you that the 4 minute train ride is legit, just like the "real" Hogwarts Express. When you get off the train you feel like you are in London. There is only one ride in Diagon Alley and it is in the bank. Otherwise there are shops and of course THE WAND! There are interactive wands for sale, which work at both parks, $45 and worth every cent! if you stand in from of a store front, say the magic words and wave the want in the exact motion, something will move in the window, or the lights will light, or rain will fall. This was the most fun! Kelsey and I bought a wand to share (Dumbledore's of course) and we had the MOST fun waving that thing around!

This was the most fun 2 days! I am so glad I was invited and super glad I went!
 practicing my skills
 in the Hogwarts Express
 turning on the water fountain with her wand

 the dragon guards the bank. Every 10 minutes he growls and breaths fire. It scared me to death the first time I heard it!

 the Night Bus

making the lights turn on

Monday, May 25, 2015


Truth - I love Harry Potter! I have read all the books, as they were being released. I think the 5th book was released on my wedding day and I took it to Greece with me. 
Kelsey is a HUGE Harry fan also and the Kennedy family are professional park hoppers!! They have taken Kelsey many, many times.
Nancy and Kelsey had a 5 day girls trip planned and I was lucky enough to be invited as well! Emily will (probably) NEVER ready the books, she can't even watch The Little Mermaid - too scary. I felt this was my BIG chance to go to Hogwarts!
Less than 12 hours after landing from D.C. I left for a 48 hour trip to Orlando.
It did not disappoint! The original Harry Potter Park is in Islands of Adventure. It is Hogsmede, where Harry goes to school. It is LEGIT! Just like you would expect. There are 3 rides there. A SUPER scary roller coaster, I didn't ride, Kelsey did. A small roller coaster, we all rode, and a Quidditch ride inside the castle. This ride was amazing, and not for the faint of heart. It was as if you were on a broom following Harry, and there were may scary things along the way. 

I was most excited to have a butter-beer! It is quite rich and very  yummy!

Inside the castle are many things/rooms just like in the books. Here are the photos where the people in them move from picture to picture!

 15 years I have waited for this butter-beer

stay tuned for the Diagon Alley post!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Father/Daughter Dance

Emily loves pink.
Emily loves her Daddy!
They loved every minute!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

More Washington D.C.

We did a lot in 48 hours in D.C. Here are some other highlights 

 There are other animals at the zoo besides the pandas...

 We had a tour of the Capital Building

 I have the same photo of me when I was young...I just have to find it
 This may be our next president's inauguration dress

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


One of the most amazing things about D.C. is that almost everything is free! We were walking by the National Gallery of Art 30 minutes before closing time. No problem. Emily and I ran in and saw all the Impressionist paintings and ran out. It was great!!
We all had a great morning at the National Museum of American History. So many things to see. We actually took a tour. A few of our favorites were the ruby red slippers, the first lady dress collection, and the Greensboro Lunch Counter. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015


On Friday night we walked over 4 miles to see many of the beautiful monuments.

 WW II Memorial

 Korean War Memorial