Thursday, June 25, 2015

9 is fine

Keeping with tradition, we had Emily's birthday party a few weeks before her actual birthday. We decided take a break from the "paint your canvas party" and have a tennis party instead. We belong to a small 2 court indoor club that had a nice viewing area, which is a perfect space for a party! A friend of mine from the Y offered to come and do face painting for the girls and she was LEGIT! Complete with air brush and all. The girls absolutely LOVED the face painting!
We played several tennis games and did 2 art projects as well. Emily has such a great group of friends and the girls had a blast! 

 so many choices!
 under the air brush
 I didn't get too many tennis photos because I was teaching the games

 a tennis party is not complete without tennis ball cupcakes

 the girls used painters tape on a canvas to make a pattern and then paint the canvas, take off the painters tape and presto! a work of art
 the girls made american flag t-shirts with a blue hand print and red stripes. It the pink tank is TIa, Emily's first friend
 all lined up
full crazy

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