Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A School Update

Emily has had a hard time adjusting to school. For the first couple weeks she cried at drop off and intermittently throughout the day. About 2 weeks ago she stopped crying during the day, just at drop off. Last Friday, no crying at all. Today, crying at drop off......uugggggg!
I was/am surprised at this whole crying thing, but if does appear to be getting better. I could not resist taking her photo in this sweet outfit this morning. Before I know it she will want to be shopping at Abercrombie


LeBlanc Family said...

What a great outfit! So cute!!
And don't worry - Elizabeth cried the first couple of weeks of preschool (both years!) and then went off to kindergarten without so much as a backward glance at us.

Rick Leclerc said...

Abercrombie is OK, just keep her away from Al la Page!