Friday, October 23, 2009

Shabbat Workshop

As most of you know, Emily goes to a Jewish preschool. Every Friday the children celebrate Shabbat by having a service and making and eating Challah bread. Today all of the parents were invited to come to the school and we did 4 projects with our children, all dealing with Shabbat. They painted wine glasses, made Challah bread covers and place mats , and candle holders. I found out that Emily is always the last to finish her projects, she spends a lot of time on them and really enjoys them.
Shabbat is the seventh day in the Jewish week and a day of rest.

Emily was the last to finish her Challah Bread cover

The teachers were surprised to see Emily finish her wine glass so quickly but when they realized there was a new baby in the room that Emily could not wait to get her hands all made sense .

Enjoying the playground!

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