Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Day at the Lake!

Today I spent the day on Lake Sunapee with my Mommy and Jen. It was not very sunny so I played with all of my new toys that my Auntie Donna and Auntie Deb gave me for my birthday. I got lots of fun things...... a dog with her own carrier, a purse with a cell phone, nail polish, etc. I spent most of the day painting my toe nails or my Mommy's or Jen's. I really liked doing this! My Mommy does not know where I learned it but I was good at it!
Jen also let me drive the boat! Mommy said I kept going in circles but it was fun!

Painting toes!

The paparazzi keeps talking pictures of me....so I put my hood up!

Carrying all my stuff!


This is as far as I got....I really did want to swim!

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