Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Special Place

Every year, around Emily's birthday, we go back to the 4th floor at Concord Hospital for a visit. It is funny how strongly I feel about this place. Maybe because they took such good care of me and Emily, maybe because we were there for such a long time, or because it is where she was born, or any combination of those. Anyway.... we usually see some one who remembers us, but today there was no one around that we knew. So I took Emily to room 405 and took a photo of her in front of her first home. She wanted to go inside the room because she could hear a baby inside. I thought about it....for 1/2 a second......kidding. Truly, it is a magical place...

I will take this opportunity to ask you to give blood in the very near future. It will save a life, I can attest to that!

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