Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today we went to a small children's museum in Manchester. It was OK, not our favorite place, but not bad either. There was a lot of stuff to climb on, but not a ton to "do" if that makes any sense.

Emily called the tent above a castle....of course she did

A puppet show with Tia

Working on the car tire

Monday, September 28, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Some Ores"

We had indoor S'mores last night. Emily calls them "Some Ores" like she is having... some.... of them. So if she wants one, she askes for "Ores". It took Rick hours one day to figure out what she was asking for.....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Newspaper Game

Who can make up a game with newspaper and make it the most fun of all time?
Emily's Daddy can!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Emily's drawings are beginning to take shape. She did this in the driveway so the only way to save her "first people picture" was to take a picture of it. In this drawing from Left to Right you will find...Emily, Napper, and Kitty. Funny how they all look quite similar.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Reach the Beach

On Friday and Saturday Rick, Jim (Baby Cam's Daddy), Auntie Kathy, and I participated in a 200 mile relay from Cannon Mountain to Hampton Beach. It is a lot of fun, except the actual running part, and a good time was had by all!!!!

Our entire Tight Sneaks team
The Daddy!

Baby Cam's Daddy is a fast runner!

We finally Reached the Beach
after 31 hours!

A hug for Baby Cam

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Field Trip

I will first start by saying that Emily is having a hard time adjusting to school. She cries before she goes, when I drop her off, and even intermittently throughout the day. The teachers have been great and trying different methods to stop the crying. Anyway, today we went apple picking and also picked pumpkins, went on a hay ride, played in a hay maze, and fed some animals. Emily was OK because I was there. It was fun to go with her and brought back memories of taking my own class on field trips.

Notice the only child not in the photo....that is Emily with her back to us and her hood up...

She did listen to directions about how to pick an apple and did it the right way!

On the hay bales....

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Can't Believe It!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was high time to do some cooking with Emily. I tried brownies first, don't get too excited they were from a box. Anyway, Emily loved mixing ALL the ingredients together and cracking the eggs. When it came time to lick the bowl I was very excited to take some great photos of Emily with batter all over her face.......then came the BIG letdown!
WHO DOES NOT LIKE BROWNIE BATTER.???????....apparently Emily.

eating the finished product

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting Ready!

Yesterday we bought Emily her first pair of skis and boots and a "skiing suit". Emily is very excited to go skiing and asked if it "was snowing yet"....about 100 times. She likes to wear it all around the house.....secretly I am thrilled that she is excited to go, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

All Wrapped Up

With Napper (the bunny) and Deliah ( the blanket).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Princess Heaven! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Against all I have tried to do with Emily, she LOVES the Princesses. She has small princess figurines and she loves to dress and undress them, so they can be ready for different occasions. There seems to be "marrying dresses" and "dancing dresses" and the two can not be confused. She spends a lot of time getting them ready for THE DANCE, and sometimes joins in the dance....see videos. It is quite a process to dress all of them in the appropriate attire.... This is a special day because Emily is also in her Cinderella dress.....OH MY!

Nice to see the tongue is out for this event too

Lining them up for THE DANCE

Monday, September 7, 2009


Today, on our way home from visiting Grammy in Stockbridge, we met the Leclerc family for lunch. From left to right.....Erinn (cousin), Rick, Emily, Mari (cousin), Jeffrey (cousin) Grandma, and Uncle Dean......Grandpa had to work :(

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Day of School!

Emily was not to agreeable to taking photos on Thursday morning....we did the best we could. So far she seems to enjoy school but it is hard to get information out of her!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Am I Bigger?"

For months and months we have told Emily that when she gets bigger she will go to school, chew gum, sit in the backseat without a car seat, play soccer, etc. Yesterday we went to her school, together, for one hour to meet teachers and classmates. All morning, prior to leaving the house, she asked me...
" Am I bigger?"
"How do I get bigger?"
"Look, I am bigger" As she stood on her tip toes
The same question over and over, in different ways. She was sort of perplexed by the fact that she was bigger, how did this happen, and now she was going to school. Then her brain stared to work over time and she asked if she could chew gum and sit in the backseat...... how am I going to explain this one?