Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Am I Bigger?"

For months and months we have told Emily that when she gets bigger she will go to school, chew gum, sit in the backseat without a car seat, play soccer, etc. Yesterday we went to her school, together, for one hour to meet teachers and classmates. All morning, prior to leaving the house, she asked me...
" Am I bigger?"
"How do I get bigger?"
"Look, I am bigger" As she stood on her tip toes
The same question over and over, in different ways. She was sort of perplexed by the fact that she was bigger, how did this happen, and now she was going to school. Then her brain stared to work over time and she asked if she could chew gum and sit in the backseat...... how am I going to explain this one?


Rick Leclerc said...

Maybe Mommy should share some of her wine with Emily, now that Emily is bigger!

LeBlanc Family said...

This cracks me up.
When Elizabeth turned five, she looked at herself in the full length mirror very closely. Then she said "But Mommy, I still look 4 - I look the same as I looked yesterday." And pointing at Emily, she said "And she still looks 2 to me, even though she's 3!"