Sunday, August 21, 2011

After the Gloves

Our three day mini vacation, to Story Land and Santa's Village, can be broken into two parts; Before the Gloves and After the Gloves. While at SL we let Emily pick one thing in the store to buy. She picked the most amazing pair of hot pink, satin, jeweled gloves that a 5 year old could only dream about. Once she got them she did not take them off for the rest of the trip. She received lots of comments from EVERYONE about them and she was so pleased because they are so "fancy".

Love the Elf game at SV. Emily and the E Elf

The line for the antique cars is crazy long at SL, here at SV the line is only a few minutes. I will say that on Thursday we were the first into SL and she was the first driver that day.

getting ready to dance at SV

...and she LOVES face paint

Santa loved the gloves

..and the reindeer too!

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