Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Inventive Spelling

Emily spends most of her time, at home, drawing and asking me how to spell names. In June we were getting ready to go to Camp Coniston (Jen's camp) for their 100 year celebration and Emily wanted to make cards for a few of the horses. I had her sound the names out and write them all by herself. Personally, not being a great speller myself, I think this is a much better way!



LeBlanc Family said...

That's the way they teach spelling here - the focus is on figuring out the words, not correct spelling. I both like it and hate it - Elizabeth rarely asks us how to spell something, but she also rarely spells words correctly.

Emily's World said...

yes it is the way I learned to teach in college. I feel like I am always doing it as an adult. thank heavens fo spell check