Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Birthday Walk

Last week Emily celebrated her birthday at school. The Montessori does a "birthday walk". The teacher puts a sun on the floor, the child walks around the sun (one time for as many years they have been on earth), and as he/she walk the teacher says what the child could do when she was 1 year old, and 2, 3, etc. After the walk the children, if they want, offer birthday wishes to the birthday child. Emily has told me she always offers a birthday wish to the birthday child. I was nervous this would not live up to her expectations but apparently it did and all but one (known naughty) boy offered her a birthday wish. 
In honor of her obsession with the solar system  we made earth cookies for her birthday snack,  which apparently were a huge hit!

Birthday celebration #1 is in the record book

 so proud of the earth cookie

the teacher sent me this photo of the birthday walk

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