Sunday, May 13, 2012

Making Strides

As most of you know, Emily has always been petrified of dogs. It did not matter what size, shape or color, is was every dog. Some owners would say to her "our dog is friendly, her won't hurt you" it did not matter, she was just afraid. In the last 4-5 months she has gotten much better! It started with our favorite dog Lucy, who is "old" and doesn't jump or bark.....then there was Pele, one of her teachers dog that comes to school occasionally....then there was Spencer (a young golden) who she will pet if he is lying down.....all of this is major news!
Yesterday she went to a birthday party at the Bedford Animal Shelter. A few months ago this would have  been very difficult but yesterday it was successful! Below you will see a photo of Emily and Sarah the dog. I realize Sarah is small enough to be a cat but it doesn't matter, Emily was up close and personal with the dog!!!!
And yes, she has also be terrified of cats.... she is also improving with them too!
and NO we are not getting a dog, I know what you are all thinking.....

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