Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Museum of Fine Arts

Emily and I spent Columbus Day in Boston, and most of it at the MFA. Our goal of the trip was to see the Monet paintings, sketch some of them, and to have fun together. We did all of those things and as luck would have it there were art projects for children to do in different areas of the museum. This was thrilling for Emily and she did each one, at least once.

 I think it is so great that amongst all these amazing paining the children (and adults) are allowed to lay on the floor to create something.

 I will always say that the best present I ever received was my first camera, from my father. I hope Emily feels the same way someday.  She does love taking photos!

Emily spent a lot of time sketching different Monet paintings....here she is sketching The Poplars
 My favorite Monet paintings, Rouen Catherdral. he painted more than 30 of these, all at different times of the day so they all took very different.
 showing off her version of The Poplars

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