Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letting Go

This photo may just look like 3 little girls riding a chairlift together. To the naked eye, that is just what it is. To me it is my little girl riding the chairlift, without an adult, for the first time. It was hard to let it happen, the chairlift can be a scary place, particularly the height of it. Did I mention we put the fear of God in the girls..."if you fool around this is the only time"...blah, blah, blah.  Emily had to be in the middle because she is not strong enough to pull the bar down.......have you seen those skinny arms? The girls loved it and I wish I could have heard the conversation they had. 
This will happen again, the chairlift, driving a car, going on a car do parents do it?
It is hard.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ripping It Up

Today we had a great and slightly chilly day at Pats Peak with Cam. He is now harness free and tearing up the slopes.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Skiers Mountain

On Saturday we were lucky enough to be invited to the Munoz Family Condo in Lincoln. It had all the things the girls love, swimming, ice skating, skiing, and shopping for the mom's! On Sunday we went to ski at Cannon Mountain. If you are not familiar with the mountain it can be described only as "a skiers mountain" There are no frills or fluff there (all those type stop at Loon) just hard core skiers, conditions, and terrrain. Cannon also has its own weather pattern..we had it all on Sunday including a snow storm and a lot of wind.
The girls skied very, very well! Leah said "it was the scariest mountain I ever skied!
Anyway, we had a great time!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

An Avery Overnight

Avery is growing so fast! She says a ton of words (her favorite word is Elmo) which makes her easy to communcate with. She is so much fun, except her sleeping habits were not up to par this time....yawn, yawn.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Rink

It was not been a good year for our ice skating rink. It has hardly been cold and then when we finally got the rink going it was 50 degrees 3 days later.
Here is to hoping it gets cold again and snows A LOT!

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Long Time Coming...

To fully understand this story you must go back to the 9 months that I was pregnant with Emily. My "friends" spent a lot of time teasing me that my girl would play basketball (ick) or be a dancer (gasp).
This has been a long standing joke for over 6 years. We tried a little dance at the Y last fall, had a recital, and (thank heavens) that was the end of it.
Fast forward to December 2012.....I took Emily to see The Nutcracker put on by a local dance school. Two of Emily's gal pals had 3 parts each in the production (which was an excellent show) and I knew I was in trouble.
One of Emily's friends, and her Mother, have been talking to her about dance and Emily got up the nerve to ask me if she could join.
I told Emily I would email the studio to see if she could join. I have NEVER seen my girl so happy and it was only a "maybe" that she would get in.
Well, she got in and Emily is ecstatic, to say the least. As my friend Calley said, "she had a spring in her step, and a twinkle in her eye" on the first day of class.
The spring show is Cinderella and Emily will have 2 parts because she is in 2 classes, ballet and lyrical.

The moral of this post is...when I look back a videos of my girl, she is always matter what the outfit, or the music, or the setting, dancing is what she is doing.

There is no score kept, no winning or losing, no goals scored, and even though dancing is not my thing, it is her doubt about it.
I have never seen her so happy.

..I never said she was good, just happy

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas With Avery

 The Kids

 kiss for Daddy
trying to get Doug's no avail

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jack and Mike

Last Saturday we celebrated Christmas with Jack and Mike. They are full of life and we had a great visit. It is very hard to get them to sit still for a picture but you can't blame a girl for trying!

eating guacamole! IMAGINE IT !

this is the best we could do!
handsome boys!

modern technology! 
we gave the boys all of Emily's Duplos...they were in was their father!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's (Not) A Hard Knock Life...

As luck would have it, Santa brought us 3 tickets to see Annie on Broadway! We had a very short visit to NYC but it was fun nonetheless! We went to Rockefeller Center, FAO Swartz, Times Square (VERY CROWDED), and then to see the show on Sunday night!
As Kathy White says...."it's not a hard knock life for Limey!"