Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letting Go

This photo may just look like 3 little girls riding a chairlift together. To the naked eye, that is just what it is. To me it is my little girl riding the chairlift, without an adult, for the first time. It was hard to let it happen, the chairlift can be a scary place, particularly the height of it. Did I mention we put the fear of God in the girls..."if you fool around this is the only time"...blah, blah, blah.  Emily had to be in the middle because she is not strong enough to pull the bar down.......have you seen those skinny arms? The girls loved it and I wish I could have heard the conversation they had. 
This will happen again, the chairlift, driving a car, going on a car do parents do it?
It is hard.

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