Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mote Aquarium

On Tuesday morning we had the only rain of the entire week. We decided to drive 75 minutes north to Tampa to go to Busch Gardens, or if it was still raining, the aquarium. With 10 minutes to go in the trip we realized the backpack, complete with all wallets and credit cards, was back at the house. We turned around and went back and then went to the Mote Aquarium, in Sarasota. We actually had a great afternoon there. It wasn't too big and there were a lot of helpful volunteers to explain what you were looking at. My favorite were the jellyfish and Emily LOVED the manatee. He was quite a ham, almost as if he was trained to pose for pictures in the tank!

 catching the rays!

this handsomely ugly guy would swim around, pose at the glass, and repeat. He was amazing

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