Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Wand

Diagon Alley is located in London, or in Universal Studios. The Hogwarts Express leaves from Hogsmede and takes you to Platform 9 3/4 in London. This is the newest Harry Potter park. You must have a park-to-park pass to ride the train. I will tell you that the 4 minute train ride is legit, just like the "real" Hogwarts Express. When you get off the train you feel like you are in London. There is only one ride in Diagon Alley and it is in the bank. Otherwise there are shops and of course THE WAND! There are interactive wands for sale, which work at both parks, $45 and worth every cent! if you stand in from of a store front, say the magic words and wave the want in the exact motion, something will move in the window, or the lights will light, or rain will fall. This was the most fun! Kelsey and I bought a wand to share (Dumbledore's of course) and we had the MOST fun waving that thing around!

This was the most fun 2 days! I am so glad I was invited and super glad I went!
 practicing my skills
 in the Hogwarts Express
 turning on the water fountain with her wand

 the dragon guards the bank. Every 10 minutes he growls and breaths fire. It scared me to death the first time I heard it!

 the Night Bus

making the lights turn on

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