Sunday, May 3, 2015

Shark Tooth Hunters

We were back in Venice, Florida last week for our annual vacation at Jean and Bill's house. Emily was beyond excited and her goal was to find at least 200 shark teeth to make her overall, 3 year total, 1,000! Last month Rick and Emily made a sifter table that would help in their hunting! It was transported in my suitcase as it comes apart!
Anyway, they started hunting within minutes of arriving at the beach last Sunday. There was one minor hiccup....less than an hour into their hunt Rick cut his foot on a rock and had to go to urgent care (as luck would have it only 2 miles away) to get it taken care of. He spent 3 hours there but luckily (I guess) it couldnt' be stitched so they taped it together and he was back with us by 2pm. I will spare you all any posts with photos of the toe and all the lengths he went to to tape it, wrap it, bag it, so he could still shark tooth hunt. Even I got in on the action this year. It is quite addictive! And also really fun!

 before the toe incident 

 notice the bag on foot...this was not a good method
 sifting thru all the shells 
 2 of the best from the first 2 days

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