Friday, June 4, 2010

I am Speechless

Emily's school puts on a play at the end of the school year called Under the Fence. The children in her school are basically the chorus and there are older children who have speaking parts, etc. I wasn't really sure how it would play out, or if she would like it but you heard it here first....SHE LOVES IT. She loves the songs, the moves that go with the songs, and everything in between. The other funny thing is that she is reasonably good at it (for a 3 year old). She knows all the words, the movements and there are only about half of the children who do anything at all.
In the play she is going to be a dog and the dog gets to leave the stage and "search" thru the audience for water......look how happy she is.

I know what you are all thinking, and don't even say it...... tennis, soccer, skiing!

This is the first rehearsal with the big kids and she is constantly looking at them in the middle of the stage


LeBlanc Family said...

I love her dress!! And matching sandals!!

Mini Hawk said...

You are in trouble!

Кристина said...

fellow like that!! The dress she is very beautiful))